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SAI Russia participated in the 26th UN/INTOSAI Symposium

SAI Russia participated in the 26th UN/INTOSAI Symposium, which was held in Vienna, Austria, from April 16 to 18, 2024.

The event brought together over 200 participants from more than 82 member states and representatives from international organizations.

The Symposium, which has been running for over 50 years, provides a platform for experience sharing on the most significant strategic issues related to the development of state auditing systems. SAI Russia has actively participated in its activities since joining INTOSAI in 1995.

The main topic of the 26th Symposium was “Implementation of SDG 13 on climate action: Role, contribution and experience of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs)”.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Li Junhua, Under-Secretary-General for Economic Development, UNDESA. He emphasized that the scale and speed of the climate change call for an integrated governmental approach: a clear definition of government priorities, a balanced allocation of resources, effective risk management, and control over public spending.

Mr. Bruno Dantas, Chair of SAI Brazil and Chair of INTOSAI, presented the Climate Scanner, a digital tool designed to assess national climate policies in 21 different areas through three main categories: financing, public administration, and state programs. The project was developed in collaboration with the INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing and aims to promote professional cooperation among SAIs in the field of climate change auditing.

Ms. Galina Izotova, the Acting Chair of SAI Russia, presented the audit of measures to address the effects of climate change. In collaboration with the regional audit organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and relevant departments, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation systematically works in three key areas:

  • Audit of the implementation of SDGs in Russian regions
  • Assessment of measures to implement the principles of sustainable financing and responsible business practices
  • Cross-sectoral audit of the major challenges for the Russian economy related to the global energy transition.

In conclusion, Ms. Izotova highlighted the activities of SAI Russia as Chair of the INTOSAI Working Group on Auditing the SDGs and Key Indicators for Sustainable Development. The Group's goal is to foster expert dialogue and improve methodological approaches to auditing SDG implementation.

A significant project of the Group for 2024 is the development of the Guidance on ESG Audit, which aims to assist SAIs in analyzing government measures to promote sustainable finance and evaluating public sector organizations' activities in environmental, social, and governance areas.

As part of the Symposium's main program, participants discussed a wide range of climate issues, including three thematic panels:

  • SAI practices in auditing the impact of climate change
  • Enabling conditions for auditing climate action
  • Strengthening climate action – impacts of climate change audits.

As a result of the event, the document "Conclusions and Recommendations" was adopted, highlighting the important role of SAIs in improving the efficiency, accountability, effectiveness, and transparency of public administration. The outcomes of UN/INTOSAI cooperation are also reflected in the resolutions of the UN General Assembly.

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