Aleksei Kudrin met with diplomats of the INTOSAI Congress participating countries
Aleksei Kudrin met with representatives of diplomatic missions of countries whose delegations will arrive in Moscow on September 23 to attend the XXIII Congress of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI)
In his speech, he told diplomats about the activities of the Accounts Chamber, and also shared plans for the upcoming INTOSAI Congress, where Russia will become the chairman of this organization for three years and will formulate an international audit agenda, with a special focus on monitoring national goals and preventing violations.
“We, as the Supreme Audit Institution, see our purpose in constantly monitoring and introducing proactive approaches to the analysis of national projects. An important target for us is an increase in the share of strategic audit during audits,” said Aleksei Kudrin, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber.
This priority is laid down in the conceptually new Department Development Strategy for 2018-2024, along with the need for digital transformation and the application of a risk-based approach to auditing. Improving analytical methods will make the work of the supreme audit institutions more efficient and open, and will also help to more closely monitor the implementation of national goals.
The topic of monitoring national goals will not be left unaddressed at the Congress. According to Aleksei Kudrin, the supreme audit institutions today act primarily as a strategic partner and an “external consultant” to the authorities, especially on strategic issues of the country's development. For this, it is extremely important in their activities to focus on working with big data, using new technologies and developing the competencies of auditors.
“Despite the great prospects associated with the development of technology and “smart systems”, the quality of training of professional inspectors and auditors is still in the first place. We already understand that future auditors should have skills such as strategic and systemic mindsets, data analytics, establishing causal relationships, effective communication skills and emotional intelligence,” he said.
Summing up the meeting, Aleksei Kudrin emphasized that the upcoming Congress will become a platform for the development of partnerships between states and will provide an opportunity to discuss the pressing challenges facing the entire audit community.
XXIII INTOSAI Congress is the largest event in the international audit community. For the first time, it will take place in Moscow, September 23 to 28. More than 600 auditors will gather to discuss how information technology affects public administration and how effectively national goals are implemented.