Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation will host INCOSAI XXIII in 2019
In 2019 the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation will host the XXIII INTOSAI Congress – the largest international forum for the audit community.
The decision to approve the Russian Supreme Audit Institution as a host for the next Congress meeting was adopted unanimously by the participants of the XXII INCOSAI, which took place from 7 to 10 December 2016 in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates.
The Chairwoman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Tatiana Golikova in her speech thanked the participants of the forum for supporting Russia’s candidacy to be the hosting country for the XXIII INCOSAI. She noted that the accumulated experience of the Russian SAI in organizing major international events leaves no doubt about the success of the XXIII INTOSAI Congress held in Moscow. “For us it is not only a great honour, it is also a huge responsibility”, said Tatiana Golikova.
As part of the forum the Russian delegation submitted a report concerning the results of the two INTOSAI working bodies headed by the Russian SAI – Working Group on the Key National Indicators (KNI) and the Task Force on Procurement Contract Audit.
After hearing reports from the Russian party the Congress participants expressed appreciation of the results achieved.
Among the main achievements of the Task Force on Procurement Contract Audit several things were noted, the development of the Glossary and Practice Guidance on public procurement audit, and two pilot projects organized along with the supreme audit institution of Portugal, Slovenia, and Zambia. The Congress participants also supported the initiative of the Russian SAI to transform thetask force into the Working group and to continue development of the INTOSAI Public Procurement Audit Standard until the end of 2019.
The main result of the Working group activity concerning the key national indicators was the development of the KNI WhitePaper with concrete recommendations on the KNI development and usages, as well as the Guidance Document for the KNI use in SAIs activities. Currently the group plans to join INTOSAI to achieve sustainable development goals, to work out a standard for the application of the key national indicators to the SAIs activity, and to create methodological recommendations on program and project audit.