15th ASOSAI Assembly
On September 6 – 8, 2021, the 15th ASOSAI Assembly was held under the leadership of SAI Vietnam. In a pandemic, the event was carried out online with the participation of 43 ASOSAI members.
In parallel with the Assembly, the 56th and 57th meetings of the Governing Board, as well as the 8th ASOSAI Symposium were conducted.
Aleksei Kudrin, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chairman of INTOSAI, addressed the participants of the Assembly with a video message.
“ASOSAI managed to adapt to the new reality as efficiently and quickly as possible, to mobilize all available knowledge and experience, to become an example of a flexible approach to organizing activities for the entire international audit community”,
– noted Aleksei Kudrin.
During the event, the participants were presented with a Report of a Secretariat activities, a Report on the implementation of the ASOSAI Strategic plan 2016 – 2021, Reports on the ASOSAI working groups activities and on cooperation with other INTOSAI regional organizations. The Assembly approved the ASOSAI Financial Report for 2018 – 2021, the ASOSAI Budget for 2022 – 2024, projects for the creation of ASOSAI Working Groups on SDGs and Crisis Management Audit.
In addition, the Assembly participants approved a new ASOSAI Strategic Plan for 2022 – 2027. Three strategic goals for the near future were outlined: Innovative and Responsive Capacity Development, Quality Knowledge Services, Professional and Relevant Regional Organization. To facilitate the implementation of the Strategic Goals, four cross-cutting priorities were identified: supporting SAIs in promoting good governance; encouraging SAIs’ efforts for the achievement of the SDGs; leveraging opportunities brought by technological advancement; responding to emerging issues and emergent situations.
At the 15th ASOSAI Assembly, the Bangok Declaration was adopted by all ASOSAI Members. Themed on "SAIs and Preparing for the Next Normal", the Bangkok Declaration builds on many of the provisions of the Moscow Declaration, adopted during the XXIII Congress in Moscow in September 2019, and is intended to become a regional roadmap to assist SAIs in strengthening public administration, achieving the SDGs, and using advanced technologies in public audit.
As a result of the election for key positions of ASOSAI, the SAI of India was elected as the host of the 16th ASOSAI Assembly, the Chairman of the SAI India, Mr. Shri Girish Chandra Murmu, will subsequently take over the ASOSAI Chair for the period 2024 – 2027. The SAIs of the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Turkey were elected as new members of the Governing Board for the period 2021 – 2024. The SAIs of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan were elected as members of the Audit Committee for the period 2021 – 2024.
The Assembly also approved the renewal of the terms for the Secretary General (SAI China), the Capacity Development Administrator (SAI Japan) and the Journal Editor (SAI India) for 2021 – 2024.