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The final day of the Forum started with the outcomes of the two Plenary Sessions on the two main Themes of the Congress.

INCOSAI XXIII adopted the Moscow Declaration

INCOSAI XXIII adopted the Moscow Declaration

The main document of INCOSAI XXIII, the Moscow Declaration, has been adopted with the majority of the Congress participants supporting it.

Aleksei Kudrin signed the agreement on conducting audits with the SAIs of Armenia and Slovenia

Aleksei Kudrin signed the agreement on conducting audits with the SAIs of Armenia and Slovenia

Today at INCOSAI XXIII, Aleksei Kudrin, the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, signed an agreement on intergovernmental agreement implementation audits with the heads of the SAIs of Armenia and Slovenia.



Day 4 of INCOSAI became a day of discussions.

Big data audit is the new reality for supreme audit institutions

Big data audit is the new reality for supreme audit institutions

Transformation is the motto of our times: the world has witnessed the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution, the global digitilization is underway.

Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at the INTOSAI Congress

Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at the INTOSAI Congress

The International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) was established in 1953 to promote cooperation between national supreme audit institutions and to improve government audit around the world.

INCOSAI XXIII: Third Day Digest

The third day of the Congress is over. It was full of important events and special for us as today Aleksei Kudrin, the head of the Accounts Chamber, has assumed the office of the Chair of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI).

Aleksei Kudrin outlined the major priorities of the Accounts Chamber as INTOSAI Chair

Aleksei Kudrin outlined the major priorities of the Accounts Chamber as INTOSAI Chair

Continuous dialogue, strategic approach and openness, big data and development of education programmes. Aleksei Kudrin named the major pillars for the Accounts Chamber during its chairmanship in INTOSAI.

The stamp is cancelled during an official ceremony at INCOSAI

The stamp is cancelled during an official ceremony at INCOSAI

The stamp is cancelled during an official ceremony at INCOSAI, on Wednesday. The Federal Agency of Communication traditionally dedicates issues of postage notes to memorable historic anniversaries, outstanding events and major public and political organizations.

The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation is the Chair of the INTOSAI

The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation headed the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions. It is going to shape the agenda of the international audit community for the next three years. The official inauguration ceremony took place at INCOSAI XXIII, on Wednesday.


Website of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation International Activities