UN E-Government Survey 2024
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development (UNDESA) released an updated 2024 e-Government Development Index (EGDI)*.
The level of digitalization is estimated to continue to grow, reaching 0.638 in 2024, up from 0.55 in 2018. According to the study, 39% (76) are countries with very high EGDI scores, 32% (62) are countries with high EGDI scores, 23% (44) are countries with average EGDI scores, and 6% (11) are countries with low EGDI scores. Denmark, Estonia and Singapore, the Republic of Korea, Iceland, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Finland, and the Netherlands are the leaders in the digital governance ranking. The Russian Federation ranks 42nd.
*The UN E-Government Development Index has been published by UN DESA every two years since 2001. The assessment is conducted for all 193 member countries of the organization. The composite index includes three indicators: the Telecommunication Infrastructure Index (TII), based on data from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU); the Human Capital Index (HCI), based on data from UNESCO; and the Online Services Index (OSI), based on data from a DESA sociological survey.