U-INTOSAI is Happy to Announce that the Platform is Now Available in Russian and Spanish
The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation is glad to announce that U-INTOSAI platform now runs in three languages: English, Spanish and Russian.
Now the users of the resource can web-surf through the platform, enroll to the courses and read the latest news in the language they prefer.
The course “Guidelines for conducting Cooperative Audits” by SAI Peru is already available at the Spanish version (orig. Lineamientos para la Ejecución de Auditorías Cooperativas).
Moreover, U-INTOSAI platform will be translated into all INTOSAI official languages till the end of the year.
If you are interested in cooperation with U-INTOSAI to place your materials, announcements or courses, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.