Two New Courses on Environmental Audit Available at U-INTOSAI
We are happy to announce that two new courses authored by INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) are already available at the U-INTOSAI Platform!
The First Course is – “Basics of Environmental Auditing is an introductory lesson on environmental auditing”. Dr. Vivi Niemenmaa from SAI Finland provides an overview of the evolution of environmental auditing and current practices.
It is expected that after watching the training video, the participants will:
- receive the global overview on the environmental auditing and 3 E’s;
- be familiar with the evolution of the environmental auditing;
- know specific features of environmental auditing;
- know how to find support for the projects, if required.
You can enroll to the course using the link
The second course deals with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Dr. Vivi Niemenmaa provides an overview of the conceptual background of sustainable development, the SDGs as well as the way Supreme Audit Institutions have audited the implementation of SDGs.
It is expected that after watching the training video, the participants will:
- know the concept of sustainable development;
- be familiar with the UN sustainable development processes, Agenda 2030;
- be familiar with SDGs and SAI approaches.
The link to study
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