The delegation of the Accounts Chamber presented the main topics of the XXIII INTOSAI Congress at the 70th meeting of the Governing Board
In her speech at the meeting, the Chairwoman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation touched upon the issues of organizing the activities of the international audit community, noted the involvement of INTOSAI members in the discussion of proposals on priority areas of further SAI cooperation and provided information on the preparations for the XXIII International INTOSAI Congress which is scheduled to be held in Moscow in 2019.
48 audit institutions have participated in the elaboration of topic proposals for the XXIII INTOSAI Congress. Upon the results of the inter-institutional cooperation, two main topics have been chosen: “Information Technology in Public Administration Development" (topic I, the Chairman is the Supreme Audit Institution of the People’s Republic of China) and “The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in Achieving National Priorities and Goals” (topic II, the Chairman is the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation).
In her speech, Tatyana Golikova noted that the exchange of good practices on innovative approaches in the field of audit contributes to achieving the main strategic goal of the organization which is updating the system of professional standards, building the capacity of national authorities and strengthening their role in the system of public administration, as well as enhancing the authority of INTOSAI community.
The Chairwoman of the Russian Accounts Chamber noted that the Chamber has currently been actively working on the organization of the XXIII INTOSAI Congress and that it plans to launch the website of the event by the end of 2017. The importance of the upcoming event is highlighted by attention from the Administration of the Russian President which has created and approved the inter-departmental Organizing Committee composed of representatives of Federal Ministries and departments.
At the end of her speech, Tatyana Golikova has drawn attention of the participants to the extensive experience of Russia in organizing large international forums and expressed confidence in the successful holding of such a significant for the global audit community event which will take place in Moscow in 2019.