Russia will host the largest international forum for the audit community - INCOSAI XXIII in 2019
The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, signed a Decree "On the Organizing Committee tasked with the preparation and organization of the XXIII International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI)."
In accordance with the signed document, Tatiana Golikova, the Chairwoman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation has been duly appointed as a Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee tasked with the preparation and organization of the XXIII International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI). The composition of the Organizing Committee will be approved within one month.
The decision to appoint the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Russia as the host for the next INCOSAI has been adopted by the participants of the XXII INCOSAI, which took place in Abu Dhabi - the capital of the United Arab Emirates, in December 2016.
During her INCOSAI speech in December 2016, the head of the Russian control agency, Tatiana Golikova had expressed her gratitude to the forum community for supporting Russia's candidature for hosting the XXIII INCOSAI. She also pointed out the high-level experience accumulated by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation in organizing major international events, which without any doubt will allow it to successfully organize and host the XXIII INCOSAI in Moscow. "It is not only a great honor but also an enormous responsibility to hold this INCOSAI," noted Tatiana Golikova.
The XXIII International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI) will be held in Moscow in 2019.
For the consideration of the international auditing community the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation has proposed the following INCOSAI topics: " Information technology in the development and improvement of efficiency of public administration" and "the role of supreme audit institutions in achieving strategic objectives and priorities".
The adopted resolution allows Russia to remain in leading positions in the Governing Board of INTOSAI for nine years, including three years (in the period 2019-2021), Russia will chair this global organization with 194 member states. The Russian leading position in this International Organization and the instruments of international audit cooperation (such as joint and parallel, controlling and expert-analytical activities) will, to a certain extent, help to promote the interests of Russia through trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation on a bilateral and multilateral levels.