Meeting of INTOSAI Working Group on the Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering (WGFACML)
The 15th meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on Combating Corruption and Money Laundering (WGFACML) was held on the 11th of May under the chairmanship of SAI Egypt. The event was attended by representatives of 22 SAIs – members of the Working Group.
Participants from SAIs Austria, Mexico and the USA presented interim reports on the development of the guidelines “Audit of Corruption Prevention in Public Procurement”, “Whistleblowers” and “Asset Recovery”, respectively.
As part of the working theme of the meeting “The Role and Experience of SAIs in Preventing and Combating Corruption – Challenges and Achievements”, representatives of SAIs Indonesia, Russia and France made overview reports on national practices in the field of anti-corruption.
The report from the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation was delivered by Ms. Svetlana Orlova, Member of the Governing Board. Her presentation touched upon the international aspects of the anti-corruption activities of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation as well as domestic policies to audit corruption risks and actions to prevent them. Ms. Orlova shared SAI Russia’s experience in developing strategic plans and recommendations for improving anti-corruption measures through the introduction of ICT technologies, enhancing professional competences of auditors, promotion of data openness, and development of anti-corruption audit methodology.
At the end of the event, the members of the Working Group endorsed SAI Thailand to physically host the 16th WGFACML meeting in 2023.