INTOSAI Working Group on Value and Benefits of SAIs meeting
On August 31, 2022 the 14th meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on Value and Benefits of SAIs was held under auspices of SAI Mexico.
The information on the revision of the INTOSAI P-12 Value and benefits of Supreme Audit Institutions was provided during the meeting. The SAI of South Africa has prepared a project proposal for the revision process of this standard and submitted it to The Forum for INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements (FIPP). The next FIPP meeting will be held in September 2022, where a decision on further steps to implement this project will be taken.
SAI Mexico has also announced the decision to continue working on the draft documents of Communicating and Promoting the Value and Benefits of SAIs and Guideline document towards implementation of the challenging principles of ISSAI 12. Both documents will be classified as Non-IFPP.
SAI Kuwait reported on the progress of the development of Guideline on Implementation of Quality Control on the Audit. The chapters of the document regard the audit scope, quality standards, audit quality control requirements, the code of ethics, the stages of audit planning and conducting, the implementation of the control system in the SAI's activities, as well as subsequent control steps and actions. In the future, the draft structure of this document will be sent to WGBVS members. Group members are invited to write the chapters of this Guideline.
In addition, the Secretariat of the Working Group has presented an updated structure of the Terms of Reference of the Working Group, will be sent to the members of the Group for comments and additions.
At the end of the meeting, the members decided to hold the next meeting of the Working Group in virtual format in the near future, as well as to organize an in-person meeting in 2023.