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INTOSAI Chair launches the University of INTOSAI

INTOSAI Chair launches the University of INTOSAI

The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation is happy to announce the launch of University of INTOSAI (U-INTOSAI) created under the auspices of the INTOSAI Chair. The official web page of the project is

U-INTOSAI is an open online educational platform for the INTOSAI community and broader audience interested in state audit and its value for governments, academic community and citizens.

The mission of the project is to contribute to open exchange of knowledge and experience within and beyond the INTOSAI in order to nurture auditors of the future and promote the value of supreme audit institutions for governments, academic community and citizens using digital technologies and capacity building tools.

The key goal of U-INTOSAI is to aggregate the existing educational initiatives to provide SAIs all over the world with the tool to easily find an educational material on the interesting topic.

U-INTOSAI already offers a course for all the platform users after a simple one-stage registration:

Moreover, INTOSAI bodies, regional organizations, individual SAIs are invited to join U-INTOSAI not only as students to learn from the INTOSAI community, but also as authors of the courses.

The U-INTOSAI platform allows to upload new courses, as well as to create a special landing page with active link to the course located at another platform.  

Should you require more details, please kindly write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Join U-INTOSAI to nurture auditors of the future!

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