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IDI Held the 1st Webinar in the Frames of CRISP Project

IDI Held the 1st Webinar in the Frames of CRISP Project

CRISP (Crisis and Risk Management for SAI Performance) is a new activity of the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) to increase the sustainability of SAIs, which is a direct response to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

CRISP offers materials, courses and webinars for the entire INTOSAI community to strengthen crisis management systems and organize activities based on a risk-based, flexible approach.

On October 5, 2021, the first webinar on "Risk Management" was held for all employees of the INTOSAI SAIs.

During the webinar, representatives of IDI provided information about the new project.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on SAIs ' operations and highlighted the need to update risk management procedures. SAIs have faced and continue to face an increased risk of staff infection, slow digitalization of work processes, and ever-changing government regulations and restrictions. At the strategic level, SAIs face increased risks to their relevance as the highest financial control authorities, as well as financial constraints. 

These challenges prompted IDI to develop and deploy a new support program aimed at creating and improving risk and crisis management processes, strengthening the value and role of SAIs in the system of government agencies in their countries.  

The first stage of the program has started  in October 2021. The webinars on risk management in English and French will be held. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of the methodology. In addition, a draft Risk and Crisis Management Methodology will be developed in English and French during 2021, and the final version will be published in 2022.

Depending on the demand, SAIs will also receive support, in addition to online courses, in developing and implementing risk and crisis management procedures.

Implementation of the initiative:

  • Webinars: 2021 - in English and French, 2022 - in Spanish and Arabic.
  • E-courses: 2022 - English and French, 2023 - Spanish and Arabic.
  • SAIs ' implementation support will start in December 2021 in a pilot mode.

During the webinar, representatives of SAIs from Bulgaria and Ukraine shared their experience in implementing and applying risk assessment and measurement approaches. For example, the SAI of Bulgaria have developed and applied a Risk Management Strategy and Guidelines, according to which a risk register is maintained, new risks are constantly monitored, and best practices for risk management are analyzed and new challenges are evaluated. Since 2019 the SAI of Ukraine has a procedure for organizing and implementing internal control, which includes a risk assessment system, gradation of risk categories and types, assessment, monitoring of risks and analysis of possible responses to their prevention.

At the end of the event, small-group discussions focused on the progress made by SAIs in implementing risk management methodologies were held. The participants also reviewed the main challenges facing SAIs in the risk management process.

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