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Accounts Chamber Takes Part in 55th EUROSAI Governing Board Meeting

Acting as the INTOSAI Chair, observer to EUROSAI Governing Board and member of the ASOSAI Governing Board, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation is heavily investing in an open dialog between the regional organizations and the headquarters.

Read the material below to find out about the initiatives that the Accounts Chamber proposed at the key event of the European audit community – the 55th EUROSAI Governing Board Meeting.

One of these initiatives is the INTOSAI Digital University, an educational platform for the entire audit community that allows pooling information about the existing and future educational activities.

At the meeting, Mr. Aleksei Kudrin encouraged EUROSAI supreme audit institutions to intensify their contribution to the platform's development. Moreover, the European counterparts embraced the initiative of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and have already included the INTOSAI Digital University project on the Roadmap for EUROSAI Strategic Goal 2 "Institutional capacity building". 

The Accounts Chamber suggested a more in-depth discussion of the need to develop professional competences at the 2nd INTOSAI International Scientific and Practical Conference scheduled in 2022. Unlike the first conference, the upcoming event will focus on the issues of online education and advanced training of auditors.

Apart from the matters of capacity building, the issues of ensuring SAI independence and their role in bringing effective management solutions also stirred vigorous debate. Attendees to the meeting additionally pointed out that present-day challenges urge SAI to mature the expertise in cybersecurity, "green" economy and demographic changes. These and many other issues will be presented and discussed at the next Congress of the organization in 2024.

On the sidelines of the meeting, the Accounts Chamber also discussed some 2022 plans with the heads of SAI of the United Kingdom, Israel, Poland, Portugal and the Czech Republic. The environmental aspects of audit, corruption prevention and introduction of digital solutions to SAI practices will be in the focus of cooperative efforts.

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