58th ASOSAI Governing Board Meeting
On May 31, 2022, the 58th ASOSAI Governing Board meeting was held online under the chairmanship of the SAI of Thailand with the participation of 80 representatives of 14 SAIs – members of the ASOSAI Governing Board and the Audit Committee, as well as the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI).
Governing Board members: Thailand (Chair), China (Secretary General), Japan (Capacity Development Administrator), India (Editor of Asian Journal of Government Audit), Vietnam (immediate past Chairman), Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey. The Audit Committee members are Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.
The event saw the presentation of a report on the ASOSAI Governing Board and Secretariat activities, a report on the implementation of the ASOSAI Strategic Plan 2022–2027, reports on the ASOSAI working groups and the results of cooperation with other INTOSAI regional organizations.
The Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Aleksei Kudrin shared with the GB members the main practical results and further plans of SAI Russia as the Chair of INTOSAI – the development of the Digital University for INTOSAI Community (U-INTOSAI), the preparation of the Guidance for Public Procurement Audit, and thecreation of a Task Force on Health and Social Care Audit.
«In our activities we rely on the provisions of the Moscow Declaration of INTOSAI. We can see its relevance and timeliness. We note the importance of the ASOSAI Bangkok Declaration. It develops the provisions of the Moscow Declaration and is intended to become a regional road map to assist SAIs in promoting good governance, achieving the SDGs, and using advanced technologies in public audit,»
– said Aleksei Kudrin.
The participants reaffirmed their commitment to the principles of the Bangkok Declaration and supported the initiatives of SAI Thailand to promote its implementation. Among the key projects of the SAI of Thailand as ASOSAI Chair in 2022 are the update of Chairmanship web-portal; holding a webinar «Promoting governance in the next normal era»; developing an e-learning course on the Bangkok Declaration; preparing a report on the interim results of the implementation of the Bangkok Declaration.
The GB members admitted the SAI of Uzbekistan as ASOSAI member, approved the ASOSAI budget for 2023–2025, the Capacity Development Activity Plans for 2022, the updated Implementation Matrix for 2022–2024. The participants also supported the initiative of SAI India to establish a Special committee to study the feasibility of creating a new ASOSAI Working Group on IT Audit and Data Analytics. The SAI of the Republic of Korea was elected responsible for holding the 59th meeting of the ASOSAI Governing Board.