World Investment Report 2023
The volume of FDI in the world fell by 12% to 1.3 trillion US dollars, follows from a new UNCTAD report.
The largest outflow of investments was observed in developed countries - 37% (378 billion US dollars). Among the main reasons are increased geopolitical tensions, the consequences of the food and energy crises. Despite the negative investment dynamics, the number of announcements of new investment projects in 2022 increased by 15%. The volume of international investment in renewable energy increased by 8%.
The authors emphasize the need to increase sustainable financing in developing countries. At the end of 2022, developing countries managed to attract only about 544 billion US dollars, more than 30 developing countries have not registered a single major investment project in the field of renewable energy. The investment gap in SDG-related projects widened from $2.5 trillion to $4 trillion over the period 2015-2022. More than 50% of the deficit falls on the development of transport and energy infrastructure.
The focus of special attention is changes in the national investment policy. According to experts, countries have stepped up efforts to increase investment attractiveness and improve the business climate. The number of stimulus measures reached 102, nearly doubling from the previous year and back to pre-pandemic levels. At the same time, the trend towards tighter control of FDI continued. The number of countries with national security investment screening increased to 37. The number of mergers and acquisitions canceled due to regulatory requirements or political considerations increased by a third.