Newsletter of the INTOSAI Working Group on SDGs and Key Sustainable Development Indicators

Newsletter of the INTOSAI Working Group on SDGs and Key Sustainable Development Indicators

The Working Group on SDGs and Key Sustainable Development Indicators presented the next fifth newsletter.

The issue is dedicated to the third meeting of the Working Group, which took place in October 2022. Presentations on various aspects of the audit of SDG implementation were presented at the meeting.

In addition, the Newsletter contains welcome presentations by 5 new members of the group: the SAIs of Egypt, India, Jamaica, Maldives and Thailand and who joined the group in 2022.

The Newsletter also contains information about the group's current projects and plans for the next period.

The final part provides information about the representation of the Working Group at the information and exhibition space of the XXIV INCOSAI in Brazil in November 2022.

We wish you a pleasant reading.

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