U-INTOSAI Celebrates Its First Anniversary
A year ago the international online educational platform "Digital University for INTOSAI Community" (U-INTOSAI) was officially launched and started its work for the public.
Within the year of its operation, U-INTOSAI has won recognition of students from all over the world with more than 68,540 users from 187 countries visiting the platform.
The most active were the students aged 25-34 years (43.4% of the total number) from such countries as:
- Russia
- Thailand
- Brazil
- Mexico
- Morocco
- Argentina
- France
- Egypt
- Peru
Today, the digital University for the INTOSAI community consists of:
- 59 courses available at the platform in four languages (English, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish);
- 24 thematic categories;
- 20 authors and partners of the project (including SAIs, universities, business and international organizations);
- 6 podcasts;
- List of relevant e-learning portals for the audit community;
- 7 language versions of the platform (Arabic, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese).
In accordance with the year statistics, the top-5 e-courses are:
- Moscow Declaration Provisions through SAIs’ Perspective
- Introduction to Environmental Auditing in the Public Sector
- Public Sector Auditing and Evolution of Governance Practices During and Post Emergency
- Performance Audit Methodology (PAM)
- Guidelines for Conducting Cooperative Audits
The U-INTOSAI team is grateful to all the partners of the project and sincerely hopes for further fruitful cooperation aimed at nurturing auditors of the future.
Join the project and develop your skills together with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!