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The kick-off meeting of the Special Committee on Establishing a New INTOSAI Working Group on Follow-Up Audit

The kick-off meeting of the Special Committee on Establishing a New International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Working Group on Follow-Up Audit was held online on February 2, 2024.

The event was attended by representatives of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Australia (observer), Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia (chair), Oman, Pakistan, Russia, Turkey and Uganda.

The objectives of the new Working Group are going to be:

  • work collectively on diverse needs and challenges in follow-up audit;
  • support capacity building amongst SAIs;
  • share knowledge and best practices in follow-up mechanisms;
  • assist SAIs to improve on the impact and value of auditing work;
  • publish manuals, guidelines, best practices, journals, articles, or other relevant references pertaining to follow-up audits.

During the event, the representatives of 18 SAIs discussed national practices of monitoring the implementation of audit recommendations, as well as draft Terms of Reference and a Survey for Feasibility on Establishing WGFA.

Mr. Egor Korobkin, Head of Strategic Communications Division of the Department of External Communications represented the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. The Accounts Chamber supported SAI Malaysia's initiative to establish the Working Group – since 2019 SAI Russia has been making efforts to introduce new ways of recording and monitoring its recommendations. For example, the statuses of recommendations are now available in the public domain, and a special methodology has been developed to facilitate the implementation of recommendations. The effects of implemented recommendations on citizens and the State are also described on the website of the Accounts Chamber.

The next meeting of the Special Committee is scheduled for May 2024.

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Website of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation International Activities