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The 14th Meeting of the SC KSC

The 14th Meeting of the SC KSC

From 12th to 14th of September the delegation of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation headed by the Member of Board Dmitrii Zaitsev participated in the 14th Meeting of the Steering Committee of INTOSAI Committee on Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services (KSC), which was held in Cairo, Egypt.

The meeting was organized by the Accountability State Authority of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of the Republic of India.

The participants of the Meeting adopted the updated Terms of Reference of the KSC and the final version of the KSC Operational Plan for 2023-2026, where the Committee outlined the goal of enhancing collaboration with the Digital University for the INTOSAI community, which is considered to be one of the global knowledge centers. SAIs UAE and Thailand were approved to host the 15th and 16th meetings of the KSC in 2023 and 2024, respectively.

Representatives of the INTOSAI Working Groups delivered presentations on their activities over the past reporting period. Mr. Zaitsev, as the Chair of the Working Group on SDGs and key sustainable development indicators, outlined the progress in the three documents development:

  • Practical Guidance on Sustainable Development Goals Audit at the Regional Level
  • Guidance on audit of reliability of macroeconomic forecasts (QA 1)
  • Guidance on ESG Audit (QA 3).

Furthermore, Mr. Zaitsev underlined the critical role of local and regional government institutions in the audit of preparedness for the implementation of the 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Head of the Department for Cooperation with INTOSAI and other International Organizations of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Mr. Yaroslav Yalovenko reported the interim results of the project on the development of the Guidance for Audits of Public Procurement (GUID 5280) and highlighted its main features. Mr. Yalovenko also emphasized the plans to reform the INTOSAI Working Group on Public Procurement Audit in 2023.


On the sidelines of the event, the delegation of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation discussed joint projects and new initiatives with the representatives of ASOSAI, ARABOSAI and AFROSAI.

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