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The 14th General Assembly of the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions

The 14th General Assembly of the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions

On October 25 – 27, the 14th General Assembly of the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI) took place. General Court of Audit of Saudi Arabia hosted the event as the Chair of ARABOSAI taking over from State Audit Bureau of Qatar.

During the General Assembly, representatives of the SAIs of the Arab countries discussed the issue of accounting on an accrual basis in public financial management. Participants delivered reports on methodological problems in auditing, discussed challenges and solutions in the field of professional capacity building.

As part of the event, a new ARABOSAI Strategic Plan for the period 2022 – 2028 was overviewed and the achievements of the previous SP for the period 2018 – 2022 were presented. New members of the working bodies and committees of ARABOSAI were elected on the margins of the GA.

On October 27, the 65th Meeting of the ARABOSAI Executive Council was held. During the event members of the Organization assigned the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation the status of an observer to ARABOSAI. In its new capacity the representative from the Accounts Chamber, Director of the Department of International and Regional Cooperation, Makhmutov Timur, made a presentation highlighting the main projects of the Accounts Chamber during its Chairmanship of INTOSAI.

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