SAIs of Russia and Kazakhstan discussed the main areas of further cooperation
Tatiana Golikova, Chairperson of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, met with Natalia Godunova, Chairperson of the Accounts Committee for Control over Execution of the Republican Budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Head of the Accounts Chamber of Russia congratulated her colleague on the appointment to the post of Chairperson of the Supreme Audit Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and wished her success in her new career. “You have a very responsible mission to further improve the system of public audit in the Republic of Kazakhstan. I am sure that your knowledge and many years of managerial experience will guarantee the achievement of any tasks set,” Tatiana Golikova emphasized.
During the meeting that was also attended by Aleksandr Zhdankov and Sergey Shtogrin, auditors - members of the Board of the Accounts Chamber, topical issues of interdepartmental cooperation were discussed, which is being actively developed not only in a bilateral but also in a multilateral form within international organizations (INTOSAI, EAEU, SCO and the Council of Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions of the CIS Member States). “Our long-term cooperation should be highly appreciated. At the same time, in our opinion, our potential can be realized with even greater efficiency,” Tatiana Golikova said.
In order to implement the agreements outlined in the updated Cooperation Agreement, which was signed in September 2017, the parties agreed to carry out joint and parallel monitoring and expert-analytical engagements on topics of mutual interest for both states. “Taking into account the implementation of major interstate projects and programs, we have enough topics. They are the energy sector, military and technical cooperation and cooperation in the field of space exploration,” Head of the Russian Audit Institution said.
The members of the meeting also agreed to strengthen cooperation within the Council of Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions of the CIS Member States and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. “These are the priority areas of our international activities and we are aimed at their further development,” Tatiana Golikova stressed during the conversation.
In addition, there was an exchange of experience of audit activities in various areas within the meeting, including in the field of organization of cooperation with the government and parliament, improvement of budgetary legislation, development of audit methodology, personnel training. At the same time, the members of the delegation of Kazakhstan showed particular interest in the experience of the Accounts Chamber of Russia in the field of organization of cooperation with regional control and accounts bodies and use of information technologies.
Special attention during the meeting was paid to the issues related to the preparation for the 23rd Congress of INTOSAI, which will be held in 2019 in Moscow. Tatiana Golikova thanked Natalia Godunova for the active position of the representatives of SAI of Kazakhstan in terms of assistance rendering to the Accounts Chamber of Russia in the study of the Congress topics within the framework of a special expert group. Head of the Accounts Chamber of Russia also expressed hope to see her colleague at the meeting of Heads of SAIs involved in the work on the preparation of Congress topics, which is planned to be held within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.