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MAPS Assessment of Ethiopia and Mauritius Procurement Systems

During February 8 and 15, 2023 webinars the MAPS Initiative Secretariat presented the results of the evaluation of public procurement systems in Ethiopia and Mauritius.

The assessment was based on the Methodology for Assessing Procurement Systems (MAPS) developed by the World Bank and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The Accounts Chamber was represented by Aleksei Kaulbars, Member of the Board, Andrey Tkachenko, Director of the Department of Procurement and Energy Sector Audit, and Timur Makhmutov, Director of the Department of International and Regional Cooperation.

The MAPS methodology evaluates public procurement systems in 4 main categories:

  • Legislative, Regulatory and Policy Framework;
  • Institutional Framework and Management Capacity;
  • Procurement Operations and Market Practices;
  • Accountability, Integrity and Transparency of the Public Procurement System.

During the webinars, the representatives of the World Bank, the African Development Bank, as well as the Ethiopia and Mauritius officials presented the key findings and recommendations based on the results of the procurement systems assessments. The participants also discussed further steps to modernize public procurement systems.

Webinar: Launch of the MAPS Assessment of Mauritius

Webinar: Launch of the MAPS Assessment of Ethiopia

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