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INTOSAI TFSP Quarterly Staff-level Meeting

INTOSAI TFSP Quarterly Staff-level Meeting

On September 14, 2021, a meeting of the INTOSAI Strategic Planning Task Force (TFSP) was held. The agenda of the event was devoted to the discussion of the draft of new INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2023–2028.

Proposed Changes to the 2023–2028 INTOSAI Strategic Plan were prepared by the US GAO on the basis of findings of the internal and external scan, outcomes of the quarterly Task Force on Strategic Planning meetings, and discussions with the Goal Chairs, General Secretariat and IDI.

During the discussions, an agreement was reached on the separation of the strategic and operational plans. Participants supported the proposal to decentralize the process of developing and approving the operational plan, to modify the reporting dashboards already used by Goal Chairs 1–3. At the same time, it was noted that the operational plan should include specific steps to achieve Strategic Goals, as well as criteria for assessing the effectiveness of activities.

Participants agreed to make the formulation of the Strategic goals and organizational priorities more concise and less focused on the role of the INTOSAI Goal Committees. Representatives of the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) and the Capacity Building Committee (CBC) raised the issue of including an additional Strategic Goal - the development of INTOSAI's professional documents.

Director of the Department for International and Regional Cooperation Timur Makhmutov suggested highlighting the cooperation of INTOSAI with the UN family and other international organizations as one of the priorities of the international audit community, as well as reflecting the potential of digital tools in strengthening the potential of SAIs.

“This partnership opens up additional opportunities for the development of professional skills and the promotion of strategic approaches in audit, for knowledge-sharing on the most pressing issues – the fight against corruption, transparency and accountability of the public sector, achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals,”

– he stressed.

The Task Force will continue its work on the draft INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2023–2028, which will be sent to members of the INTOSAI Governing Council in October 2021. Comments and comments on the draft will be discussed during the next meeting of the group, scheduled for December 14, 2021.

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