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INTOSAI PFAC Staff-Level Meeting

INTOSAI PFAC Staff-Level Meeting

On April 4, 2024, a meeting of the Political, Financial and Administrative Committee (PFAC) was held under the leadership of the SAI of Saudi Arabia.

During the meeting, the reports from the General Secretariat of INTOSAI, Professional Standards Committee (PSC), Capacity Building Committee (CBC), Knowledge Sharing Committee (KSC), Political, Financial and Administrative Committee (PFAC), INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and the International Journal of Government Auditing were presented.

Director of the INTOSAI General Secretariat, Head of International Department of SAI Austria Ms. Silke Steiner touched upon the upcoming 26th UN-INTOSAI Symposium, which will be held on April 16–18, 2024 in Vienna, Austria, under heading “Implementation of SDG 13 on climate action: role, contribution and experience of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs)”.

US GAO representative Ms. Kristie Conserve informed participants about the Committee's key projects, including a review of INTOSAI standard setting process. The Committee is working on the Terms of Reference (TOR) for research. The next steps are TOR’s approval by the Governing Board, formation of the Evaluation Team and drafting the Working Plan. The representative of SAI of Brazil, Michael Cohen, suggested that the team should include not only members of INTOSAI working bodies, but also stakeholders from the expert community to avoid bias in the assessment.

IDI Director General Mr. Einar Gørrissen announced the launch of a new stream of the Professional Education Program for Inspectors (PESA-P) in March 2024. The initiative aims to develop professional competencies in the areas of financial audit, compliance audit and performance audit. In addition to English, it is planned to organize training in Arabic, Spanish and French. The training is conducted at the Center for SAI Professionals, created in November 2023.

In conclusion, colleagues from SAI Egypt provided an update on the upcoming XXV INTOSAI Congress. The event will take place in Sharm el-Sheikh in the second half of October 2025. The Congress Technical Secretariat and Support Committees were established and the Work Plan for the Congress preparations for 2023–2025 was developed.

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