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EUROSAI Strategic Goal 2 Meeting

EUROSAI Strategic Goal 2 Meeting

On October 1, 2021, a virtual meeting of EUROSAI was held to discuss Strategic Goal-2 (SG-2) "Institutional capacity development" under the leadership of SAI Sweden and Poland.

Helping SAIs deal with new opportunities and challenges by supporting and facilitating their capacity building is one of the key areas of the EUROSAI Strategic Plan 2017-2024.

During the meeting, the results of the current projects of the SG-2 EUROSAI were discussed:

  • Audit Methodology Meeting;
  • EUROSAI Internship and Secondment Program;
  • Communication on INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements;
  • Non-Financial and Integrated Reporting;
  • EUROSAI Information Technology Working Group (EUROSAI ITWG);
  • EUROSAI Network for Ethics.

In the second part of the meeting, small group discussions were carried out on the harmonization of professional terminology in English, expanding the interaction of SAIs with civil society, improving the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of SAIs, introducing digital methods for data analysis.

The representative of the SAI of Sweden Peter Rostedt drew attention to the lack of a general guide on the practical application of existing SAI Evaluation Tools and Methods and invited the participants to take part in the development of relevant recommendations under the guidance of the SAI Sweden.

Alina Prokhvostova, Deputy Head of the Division for Cooperation with INTOSAI and Other International Organizations of the Department for International and Regional Cooperation of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, presented the project “INTOSAI Digital University”.

“U-INTOSAI is an open educational online platform for both international audit community and a wider audience. The principal goals of the project are: to unite on one platform the existing educational initiatives of the entire international audit community to create synergy without any kind of competition, to facilitate the open exchange of knowledge and experience within INTOSAI and beyond. U-INTOSAI already has 28 courses in 3 EUROSAI languages, which are attended by more than 1,500 users weekly. Integration of EUROSAI educational initiatives and the technological capabilities of U-INTOSAI could serve the purpose of strengthening the professional potential of SAIs, "

Alina Prokhvostova noted.

At the end of the meeting, the EUROSAI Secretariat presented a project of a new EUROSAI website, urging all EUROSAI members to respond to the survey on the web-site to gather their expectations and needs. The relaunch of the EUROSAI website will aim at making EUROSAI activities and products more visible and accessible to the Organization’s members, as well as to other stakeholders; to reach out to all the EUROSAI community and encourage active participation of its members.

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