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Alexey Kudrin's welcoming speech to the participants of the 14th meeting of the Knowledge Sharing Committee (KSC)

In his welcoming speech to the participants of the 14th meeting of the Knowledge Sharing Committee (KSC) Alexei Kudrin, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chair of INTOSAI, highlighted the trend towards the evolvement of educational formats.

«Keeping in mind the obvious advantages of face-to-face experience exchange, we should not forget that modern education seeks to be cheap and quick, while keeping its high quality. Such opportunities are provided by various online-initiatives»

To follow the global trend, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation launched on April 12, 2021, the Digital University for the INTOSAI Community (U-INTOSAI). The goal of the project is to promote open exchange of knowledge and experience within the INTOSAI community and beyond.

Today, the U-INTOSAI platform evolves in line with the motto “Mutual experience benefits all”, offering its users inclusive, flexible, agile and valuable education.

«I wish us all productive work that will help the INTOSAI community remain efficient and contribute to global public sector accountability»,

Alexei Kudrin concluded his address

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