Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement from 2023. 10 key results from 2023
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has an Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT).
Its main objective is to ensure equal, transparent and non-discriminatory conditions for trade. Technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures must not create obstacles to economic interaction between countries.
In 2023, the WTO registered more than 4,000 notifications on the introduction of national non-tariff barriers - the highest figure since 1995. WTO members have the opportunity to comment on draft technical regulations before they enter into force.
90 members (more than half of WTO members) submitted at least one notification during the year. Most new notifications (83%) were submitted by developing and least developed country members. The increase in the number of notifications illustrates the desire of WTO members to increase the transparency of international trade.
In 2023, more than 1,000 notifications concerned health or environmental requirements. In comparison, the 2022 figure was 631 notifications. Almost 20% of the 2023 notifications concerned renewable energy technologies.