The 3rd meeting of the Work Stream of the EUROSAI Project Group on Health and social care
On February 11, 2021, within the framework of the EUROSAI Project Group on Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the 3rd meeting of the Work Stream of the EUROSAI Project Group on Health and social care was held.
In total, 28 people took part in the online-meeting chaired by SAI Czech Republic. The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation was represented by the assistant to the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Maria Orekhova and the leading inspector of the Health Inspectorate of the Department of Health and Sports Natalia Ten.
At the meeting practical examples of conducting a governmental audit of national health systems in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic were discussed. Guillermo Ridruejo, Deputy Director of the Department of Economic Administration of the SAI of Spain, speaking on the topic “Audit on health information systems and procedures in the context of COVID-19”, noted the importance of using reliable, accurate and verifiable data when monitoring information related to COVID-19. Nicholas Edwards, Auditor of the European Court of Auditors, presented results of an assessment of the European policy in response to the pandemic, highlighting the limited use of EU procurement tools by the Community Member States and challenges related to the vaccination campaign. Štefan Kabátek, Director of the Performance Audit Department of the SAI Czech Republic, in his report focused on the analysis of the experience of using information technology to support the vaccination process.
During the discussion participants agreed to hold the next meeting of the Work Stream in April 2021.