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SAIs Argentina, Mexico and Russia discussed digital transformation of audit methods

SAIs Argentina, Mexico and Russia discussed digital transformation of audit methods

On October 31, 2023 SAIs Argentina, Mexico and Russia held a knowledge-sharing seminar on “Digital transformation of audit methods”. Representatives of Russian regional audit institutions also participated in the seminar.

Mr. Timur Makhmutov, Director of the Department for International and Regional Cooperation of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, who moderated the meeting, noted that digitalization has become one of the priority vectors of the state governance development. SAI Russia pays great attention to the digital transformation in its activities. In particular, the key focus areas of digitalization are stated in the Development Strategy of the Accounts Chamber for 2018-2024. In 2022, the full-scale digital platform for inspectors was launched. Data-stewards’ role (representatives of audit departments supervising data management) has also been created.

Mr. Gadgi-Efendi Chalaviyev, Head of the Process Management Division of the Financial Audit Department of SAI Russia, focused on the Digital Maturity project aiming at transforming SAI Russia into a digital institution. It includes developing all types of audit via using bigger share of computable data, training officers with necessary skills, automating and optimizing processes, as well as using advanced analytics. The project involves annual event plans for the increase of the digital maturity level of the officers that help to reach the goals step-by-step. The speaker emphasized the relevance of the project – the development of the digital maturity corresponds to the modern trends and tasks of the Digital Economy National Project.

Mr. Nicolas Diaz Pais, Director of the IT-systems Department and technical coordinator of the Commission on IT of SAI Argentina, mentioned that data analysis with the use of digital instruments decreases the audit time and human errors, helps to work with higher volume of information, reuse, computerize and record the obtained results. SAI Argentina considers that digital transformation is impossible without the development of digital skills of the officers: the auditor of the future will be a data analyst to a significant extent. Artificial Intelligence instruments, machine learning and block chain technology are amongst emerging trends in public audit. In this regard, Mr. Nicolas Diaz Pais clarified that it is crucial to pay special attention to cyber security, confidentiality and personal data protection.

Mr. Gerardo Gil Valdivia, Director General of the Research Center of SAI Mexico, spoke about the special features of the SAI’s digital transformation that had been launched after David Rogelio Colmenarez Paramo assumed the position of the Auditor General in 2018. The Big Data analysis technologies, including the use of the artificial intelligence, are actively implemented by the SAI, especially for revealing of corruption violations and embezzlement. Moreover, SAI Mexico actively develops the technologies that allow to hold the audits remotely, without the need for inspectors to be present at the premises of the auditees.  In this respect, Mr. Gerardo Gil Valdivia emphasized that digitalization of the audit activities entails modifying the regulatory framework of the SAI.

In conclusion, the parties concurred that comprehensive accomplishment of the SAI’s mission requires continuous and active use of digital instruments. The participants of the discussion agreed to continue sharing experiences on topical audit issues.

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