World Development Report 2023: Migrants, Refugees, and Societies
The migration crisis is one of the key challenges of our time. The World Bank (WB) estimates that more than 184 million people (2.3% of the world's population) live outside their country of citizenship.
More than 50% of migrants are natives of developing countries. According to the authors of the World Development Report 2023: Migrants, Refugees, and Societies, increased migration processes are a long-term trend in the context of increasing socio-economic and demographic inequality between countries. A balanced and effective migration policy can also become a driver of sustainable development.
The organization's experts presented a new methodology for analyzing migration flows. The proposed theoretical model is based on the "fit and motive" matrix, which focuses on two factors: the fit of migrants' skills to the needs of the country, the motive and reasons for migration. This approach allows policy makers to differentiate between different types of cross-border/trans-regional movements and develop a migration policy for each of them. According to experts, international cooperation will be crucial for the effective management of migration.