Women, Business and the Law 2023

Women, Business and the Law 2023

Ensuring the equal economic capabilities of men and women is one of the most important components of sustainable development.

Despite the global progress in promoting gender equality, the problem of the “glass ceiling” retains its relevance. The World Bank submitted the results of the annual study "Women, Business and the Law of 2023." The project is aimed at analyzing the normative regulation of labor relations in 190 countries, identifying factors limiting the rights and business activity of women. In the focus of the attention of experts - 9 spheres of public life: freedom of movement, employment, remuneration of labor, marriage, birth of children, doing business, disposal of property and pension security.

According to the organization, the elimination of gender gap in the field of labor in the long run could increase the average GDP by 20%. However, as of October 2022, 2.4 billion women of working age have no equal rights and opportunities with men. Legislative consolidation of complete equal rights of women and men exists only in 14 developed countries.

In 2022, only 34 legal gender reforms were carried out in 18 countries - the lowest indicator since 2001. Most of the legislative initiatives were aimed at increasing paid leave for children, eliminating labor restrictions for women and establishing a mandatory requirement for equal remuneration. For the widespread fixing of gender equality, another 1,549 regulatory changes will be required. At the current pace, to achieve this goal, it will take at least another 50 years.

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