Taxing Wages 2023
The new edition of the annual OECD report "Taxing Wages 2023" was published. The material contains a detailed overview of the systems of income taxation and social payments in the member countries of the organization.
The authors paid special attention to the analysis of the impact of inflation on the taxation of the labor force, national approaches to adjusting tax policy.
In 2022, an increase in income taxes, a reduction in tax incentives and payments of cash benefits was recorded. Record high inflation is a key driver of tax hikes in most OECD countries, regardless of income level and household type. According to the organization's experts, 17 OECD member countries automatically adjust their income tax systems in accordance with the current level of inflation, the remaining 21 do so on a discretionary basis. The authors emphasize that low-income families with children are most vulnerable to higher tax rates if tax and welfare systems are not adjusted for inflation.